Start Remote Support

  • The remote session will give the technician access to your computer.
  • If you do not have a predefined service contract, remote support may be billable. Please ask your technician if there is a charge.
  • By starting a remote session, you agree that you understand the above listed items and consent to an Alltech Services team member accessing your computer.

Connection Instructions

  1. Open Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari. Proceed to
  2. Please save and run the downloaded file.
  3. A few security warnings may appear. This is normal and correct. You will need to click a response. It could be any of the following: Save, Run, Yes, Allow, Ok and so on. Clicking No or Cancel during the process will stop the session from beginning.
  4. A chat window will appear and let you know that you are waiting for a technician to connect.
Call 813-402-0006